Searching for "love cheat break up"

1 Results For 'love cheat break up'


April 08, 2010 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Love cheat break up

Alright, so, I was going out with this kid for four months. I know, not very long, but I was really in love with this kid, and I still am to this day. So it was the third time we were going out, and we'd been going out for a month when we took things one step further in our relationship. A week later, he breaks up with me saying he needs a break. So I go to the mall the next week and his friend who I met up with decides to tell me that him and my best friend kissed. Next thing I know, I'm finding out they did more than kissed. Meanwhile, he was telling me he still loves me and stuff, but now I know he doesn't mean it. So I started crying in the middle of the mall. Unfortunately, I still love him to this day, which is about seven months later, and I'm still his friend.